Amiga-CD - Volume 2.iso
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Text File
364 lines
version 1.1
Instructions of use
(quite short)
I. Installation
1.Change working directory
The Editor ('BiED') itself uses the following files:
LIBS: arp.library
LIBS: req.library
NORMAL.SET (in known directories)
These have to exist on the maindisk.
Hardware limits: Kick 1.2+, 512+k RAM.
It might be useful to copy these files, too:
S: SetUp.DEF
S: Reset.DEF
Use the installation script 'BIED/BIED.init' to copy the Editor & files
to a new device: Usage:
BiEd.init <sourcedevice> <targetdev>
2. Further preparations
To play your own levels, you have to copy your Battle Isle original,
that gurantees that the old original levels won't get lost.
Use diskcopy BI2: DF0: to copy your maindisk (disk 2).
If you use a HD, cd into DHn:BI/, rename 'maps' into 'old_maps' or anything,
and create a new directory 'maps' by 'makedir maps' where you can save
your new levels to.
3. Getting started
Just start 'BiED1.1', or 'BiED1.1X' if you're not registred...
NOTE: Some pathes may point to unknwon/wrong directories. Just reset them,
and save setup. Next run, they'll be set as you set them.
(this is just a little introduction, the full documentation is written
in German and named 'BiEd_dt.doc'... sorry, but I'm German...)
II. Editor
1.Main Display
The main display contains the edit field and 4 available additional
tool windows. Those additional toolwindows migth be closed using the close-
gadget or selecting their menuitem, again.
1.1. Edit field
A klick onto one of the hexfields will place either the actual unit (edit-
more: UNIT) or the actual landscape (editmode: LAND) at this position.
You can change 'editmode' using SPACE, Tools/Editmode or the right mouse-
button (optional, if 'Setup/Right MB' is selected). Furthermore the mode
will change to LAND, if you select a LAND piece, or to UNIT if you select
a unit.
1.2. LANDS Window
Open it by 'Windows/Lands'. Use it to select a new landscape to set into
the map. Change its layout and optional keydefinitions by 'Setup/Landeditor'.
You may scroll through the whole piece list using the cursorkeys WITHOUT
shift or CAPS, WITH caps & shift together or none of them.
1.3. UNITS Window
'Windows/Units' enables you to get a new actual unit. Change settings by
Scroll contence by SHIFT OR CAPS + Cursorkeys.
1.4. STATS Window
'Windows/Stats' shows current BiED status: Actual landscape & unit, position
of the most left, top brick in the whole level, coordinates of the last
edited piece and the current editmode (UNIT/LAND).
1.5. MOVE Window
'Windows/Move' offsers a movewindow. Use gadgets to move visible part of
the level (8 direction gadgets around, and one proportional inside).
2. Menues
How to call a function:
e.g: 'Project/LoadLevel¹ [A]L'
| | |
a) c) b)
You select it by a) by selecting the menuitem (oups! :-)
b) by right AMiga + L
c) by L without any qualifier (if Setup/Direct is
All functions which have a ¹ behind their names can be called by right-
Amiga + KEY or by the KEY alone, if Setup/direct is been selected.
If Setup/Direct is unselected, you can alloc these keys with landscapes/
2.1. Projekt Menu
NEW clears all level data except level size. To requesters will appear:
Clear Level ?
Yes No
ensures that you want to clear this level,
Use water instead of land ?
Yes No
requests for the clear-landscape type.
LOAD LEVEL loads a level saved by BiED. It also contains information about
keymap, BattleSet, etc...
SAVE LEVEL saves a level in BiED format (better use this instead if Save
BI !!).
BATTLE ISLE / LOAD BI loads a Battle-Isle format level.
BATTLE ISLE / SAVE BI saves a Battle-Isle format level. Now you can play
this level. Rememer that each levelnumber owns their own password,
you need it to enter your new level.
BATTLE ISLE / DELETE BI deletes all three files of a BI-level.
DELETE deletes an AmigaDOS file.
ICONIFY closes the mainscreen to free some CHIP. Hit return to continue.
ABOUT who knows ... :->
INFO Copyright/Shareware/Usersave/Address/Version information.
EXIT MAPED quits the BattleEditor, as long as you don't use V1.1X (not
registred shareware demo) after having replyed this one with yes:
Quit the Battle Editor ?
Yes No,
2.2. Windows Menu
LANDS opens Landswindow.
UNITS opens Unitswindow.
MOVE opens Move-window.
STATS opens Statuswindow.
CONTC allows to define a transporter's or building's contence: After
having selected this item, the screentitle changes into:
Select a shop ...
and BiED awaits you to klick at any shop piece (break: CTRL-C).
A window will be opened, and you can place 7 units into it.
ALDIN sets a buildings Aldinum (Energy) storage. Just klick at a building
and define it.
2.3. Tools Menu
FILL ALL fills level with actual brick (see PROJECT/NEW).
POLYGONE draws a rectangle. You have to select two pieces, and BiED will
fill the area between using the actual landscape (read the screen-
titles...) break by CTRL-C or Tools/Break. The initial requester
can be disabled by 'SetUp/Messages' OFF.
DRAWLINE connects two points with a line of the current landscape.
Select start and end point and the line will be drawn.
Break by CTRL-C, requester see TOOLS/POLYGONE.
RANGE calculates the distance between two bricks. Click at the first and
then at the second piece to get information.
Break by CTRL-C, requester see TOOLS/POLYGONE.
CHECKLEV checks the level:
- The red hq must be before the yellow one.
- There must be a maximum of 2 hqs, 8 factories & 8 depots.
- Maximum number of units is 240.
If everything went right, CHECKLEV displays the number of units
spread in the level (buildings, too), the number of buildings
and the Aldinumnumber (added to the total number of units).
EDITMODE changes between setting landscapes or units.
WORLDVIEW shows up a full-view (worldmap) of the current level. Click
anywhere onto the map, and the display will be placed there.
Click beside the window, and no scroll will disturb you.
PRODUCTION limits the units which can be produced in factories.
LEVELSIZE sets the levels size.
2.4.1. Setup Menu
LANDEDITOR calls the LANDS-Window editor.
UNITEDITOR calls the UNITS-Window editor.
MESSAGES [YES/NO] enables/disables 'Tools/DrawLine:' und 'Tools/
Polygone:' security requesters.
VERIFYING [YES/NO] completes (YES) buildings and mountains, if you set
just one of their pieces.
RIGHT MB [YES/NO] change editmode by right mousebutton ON/OFF.
F-KEYS [YES/NO] enable/disable level marks (set a mark by CTRL-Fn, replace
the editor by Fn alone....).
DIRECT [YES/NO] allows selection of menuitems with a ¹ by the following
key without right Amiga ON/OFF.
PAD CENTER [YES/NO] keypad = center level ON/OFF.
DEF. ALDINUM set a new buildings energy.
LOAD BATTLE SET load a new battle set (V1.1: normal or desert...).
LOAD SETUP loads a setupfile.
SAVE SETUP saves a great variety of current settings. (preferences).
2.4.2. Unit & Land WindowEditor
Editor is meant the 'Landeditor' or the 'Uniteditor'. Select a brick and
another one to exchange their positions (screentitle !!!!!).
PROJECT/REBUILD reorganizes the Editor's bricks as they've been sorted when
calling the Editor.
PROJECT/CANCEL cancels the Editor without accepting the new changes.
PROJECT/OKAY leaves the Editor.
EDITOR/X/Y DIMENSION defines the LAND/UNIT windows size (in bricks).
EDITOR/DEFINE KEY defines bricks on keys: Select a brick and then hit the
corresponding key, the next brick and next key,.... until you
leave the Editor or select EDITOR/KEYS READY. Take notice of the
screentitle !!!
Note: If you define keys for Lands, you can select these bricks in the
Mainscreen by those keys you defined. If you define UNIT keys, always add
CAPS or SHIFT to the key !!!! In general, all keyactions without SHIFT/CAPS
deal with LANDS, with SHIFT/CAPS deal with UNITS !!!
EDITOR/FLUSH KEY SETINGS clears all key settings.
3. Keyboard
3.1. Basic keys
ESC : Leaves the editor, as long as you don't use V1.1X.
HELP : Calls the worldview (overview) of the current level...
SPACE : Changes the editmode UNIT/LAND:
DEL : Defines a NIL unit to remove units off a files.
CURSORKEYS NONE : Scroll LANDS-Windows content.
CURSORKEYS SHIFT: Scroll UNITS-Windows content
NUMPAD NONE : Scroll level (blue screen: end of level) in 8 ways,
using a step rate of 2 fields:
7 8 9
4 6
1 2 3
'SETUP/PAD CENTER:' selected allows 5 to center level.
NUMPAD SHIFT: Same as without SHIFT, step rate 4 files.
3.2. SETUP/F-KEYS selected
F1 - F10 CTRL : Stores the current screen position as Data Fn.
F1 - F10 NOT CTRL: Remembers the saved position Fn.
3.3. SETUP/DIRECT selected
L : Load level ('PROJECT/LOAD LEVEL:'), editorformat.
S : Save level ('PROJECT/SAVE LEVEL:'), editorformat.
A : Set a buildings aldinum ('WINDOWS/ALDIN:').
C : Set a shops contence ('WINDOWS/CONTC:').
F : Fill level with actual brick ('TOOLS/FILL WITH:').
P : Draw a rectangle with actual brick ('TOOLS/POLYGONE:').
D : Draw a line with actual brick ('TOOLS/DRAWLINE:').
R : Calc distance between to bricks ('TOOLS/RANGE:').
E : Landeditor ('SETUP/LANDEDITOR:').
U : Uniteditor ('SETUP/UNITEDITOR:').
IV. Codex Design
This programm (BiED V1.1+) had been developped 1991-1992 by Hans Bühler,
all rights reserved. The demoversion V1.1X can freely be copied, but is
copyrighted by Hans Bühler.
Since October 1st, 1992, this program is shareware (DM 20, US$ 15), and
copying a registred version is illegal.
To get your own, full and eventually updated version, send DM 20 or US$ 15,
a disk and enough stamps to the author.
Bug-reports, suggestions and ideas welcome !!
Codex Design is a label used by Hans Bühler only.
Noone is allowed to edit/sell/change this program and this documentation
without explicit permission by the author.
This introduction is (p)1992,(c)1992 by Hans Bühler.
I want to thank: Nils Linde
- "Ist der Editor endlich fertig ???" has given
support by forcing me to complete this program.
Paul Hackenberger
- Bug reports Kick1.3
Kartini Plog,
- Please try to understand what I do, why I do it.
Accept it, I love you.
Battle Isle is (c)copyrighted 1991/1992 by BlueByte.
BiED - The BattleIsle Map Editor V1.02/1.1 (c)1992 by Hans Bühler
BiED.doc - V1.02/1.1 Anleitung (c)1992 by Hans Bühler
All rights reserved 1992
Hans Bühler - Codex Design
Kirchstr. 22
W-1000 Berlin 21
Tel 0049 (0)30 3933814